Persistent Identifier Services for the German National Research Data Infrastructure: Proposal for the Integration Phase of Base4NFDI


Persistent identifiers (PIDs) are central to FAIR research data management and have become an essential component of applications and services. However, the demand for PIDs for different resources results in diverse requirements: Different disciplines and NFDI consortia have different levels of maturity in PID implementation. Also, PID-related metadata are central to the FAIRness of research resources and support their reusability and the reproducibility of research. Initial analysis of the use cases, requirements and plans of the NFDI consortia has revealed that these and other challenges need to be addressed by the NFDI as a whole. PID4NFDI will address these challenges and design the work programme to build an NFDI foundation service on established PID infrastructures. Core players of the national and international PID service provider and developer community make up the PID4NFDI consortium. Within the initialisation phase it is planned to lay the foundation for further phases through use cases analyses, requirements engineering, and concept development. Envisaged results can be used as is, but will seamlessly lead to future development and integration activities. Regarding technical service implementation, PID4NFDI will follow a clear path of promoting the uptake by PID infrastructures and service providers and will only develop and operate NFDI-specific services if necessary.

Sven Bingert
Sven Bingert
Principial investigator

Sven works at the Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) and is a principal investigator and project team member of PID4NFDI.

Jana Böhm
Jana Böhm
Project team member

Jana works at the Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) and is a project team member of PID4NFDI.

Matthew Buys
Matthew Buys
Principal investigator

Matthew works at DataCite and is a principal investigator of PID4NFDI.

Sara El-Gebali
Sara El-Gebali
Project team member

Sara works at DataCite and is a project team member of PID4NFDI.

Steffi Genderjahn
Steffi Genderjahn
Project team member

Steffi works at the Helmholtz Open Science Office and is a project team member of PID4NFDI.

Stephanie Hagemann-Wilholt
Stephanie Hagemann-Wilholt
Project team member

Stephanie works at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) and is a project team member of PID4NFDI.

Torsten Kahlert
Torsten Kahlert
Project team member

Torsten works at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) and is a project team member of PID4NFDI.

Marc Lange
Marc Lange
Project team member

Marc works at the Helmholtz Open Science Office and is a project team member of PID4NFDI.

Irina Sens
Irina Sens
Principal investigator

Irina works at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) and is a principal investigator of PID4NFDI.