PID4NFDI Communication Strategy


This is the communication strategy of PID4NFDI, the basic service in development for persistent identifiers (PIDs) for the German National Research Data Infrastructure (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur – NFDI). In order to support PID4NFDI in its central objective of consolidating and evolving the PID service landscape within NFDI at all levels – including in terms of communication – the communication strategy primarily defines the following important aspects (and is structured accordingly): objectives and measures, target audience (stakeholders), and the respective communication channels. The communication strategy is a product (deliverable) of PID4NFDI’s initialization phase and addresses the time beyond, currently the two-year integration phase.

Marc Lange
Marc Lange
Project team member

Marc works at the Helmholtz Open Science Office and is a project team member of PID4NFDI.