PID4NFDI Stakeholder Workshop: Persistent Identifiers for and in NFDI


This report is a documentation of the ‘Persistent Identifiers for and in NFDI – PID4NFDI Stakeholder Workshop’ held on 11 November 2024 by PID4NFDI, the basic service for persistent identifiers (PIDs) in development for the German National Research Data Infrastructure (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur – NFDI). The workshop’s objective was to showcase selected PID providers and PID use cases as well as to gather insights from stakeholders regarding PID implementation and usage in NFDI and beyond. It provided a forum for representatives from NFDI consortia and sections, national and international initiatives and projects, and other interested parties to share their perspectives on challenges, current practices and potential improvements in PID services. The report outlines the workshop, summarizes the presentations (with slides attached in the Appendix), compiles questions and answers, and presents the results from the discussions.

Marc Lange
Marc Lange
Project team member

Marc works at the Helmholtz Open Science Office and is a project team member of PID4NFDI.